Doing the Mom Thing is dedicated to helping mothers create a seamless balance between womanhood and motherhood.
Together, we will create a life without limits
Self- Care is the core of our values. Improving relationship with self to become more resilient means maintaining your emotional, physical, and mental health. It is important to not only sustain your physical, emotional, and mental health but also holding fast to the core of what makes you YOU. Let’s ask ourselves, whose taking care of me? It’s time to prioritize yourself back into your life.
HEY THERE, GORGEOUS! I am Jodeci Patrick, the founder of Doing The Mom Thing! I am a wife to my wonderful and handsome husband, Javonte, and a mother to my precious twin boys, Cason & Kiyan. I am also a licensed therapist, business owner, goal-getter, and author! Through my passion to reach beyond limits and break the stereotype of moms not being able to obtain their dreams, I have created this wonderful site filled with tools, access to monthly events, personal experiences, and self care related items to help YOU experience a better life and to succeed at reaching for your goals. Now I know what you may be thinking. How can I still reach for and obtain my goals when I am a mother now? Is it even possible to prioritize myself back into my life?
I’m glad you asked. I want you to REPEAT AFTER ME… I AM MORE THAN JUST A MOM and I AM STRONGER than I think! I am here to remind you that your actions reflect your mindset and you are in control of reaching your full potential regardless of having children. You’re about to slice through mental roadblocks, frustrations/doubts, post-partum depression and mommy neglect right into your best life by subscribing to DTMT. Together, we will break barriers and create a life without limits for moms. Let’s get it!